44 research outputs found

    Deep Multiple Instance Learning for Zero-shot Image Tagging

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    In-line with the success of deep learning on traditional recognition problem, several end-to-end deep models for zero-shot recognition have been proposed in the literature. These models are successful to predict a single unseen label given an input image, but does not scale to cases where multiple unseen objects are present. In this paper, we model this problem within the framework of Multiple Instance Learning (MIL). To the best of our knowledge, we propose the first end-to-end trainable deep MIL framework for the multi-label zero-shot tagging problem. Due to its novel design, the proposed framework has several interesting features: (1) Unlike previous deep MIL models, it does not use any off-line procedure (e.g., Selective Search or EdgeBoxes) for bag generation. (2) During test time, it can process any number of unseen labels given their semantic embedding vectors. (3) Using only seen labels per image as weak annotation, it can produce a bounding box for each predicted labels. We experiment with the NUS-WIDE dataset and achieve superior performance across conventional, zero-shot and generalized zero-shot tagging tasks

    A Unified approach for Conventional Zero-shot, Generalized Zero-shot and Few-shot Learning

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    Prevalent techniques in zero-shot learning do not generalize well to other related problem scenarios. Here, we present a unified approach for conventional zero-shot, generalized zero-shot and few-shot learning problems. Our approach is based on a novel Class Adapting Principal Directions (CAPD) concept that allows multiple embeddings of image features into a semantic space. Given an image, our method produces one principal direction for each seen class. Then, it learns how to combine these directions to obtain the principal direction for each unseen class such that the CAPD of the test image is aligned with the semantic embedding of the true class, and opposite to the other classes. This allows efficient and class-adaptive information transfer from seen to unseen classes. In addition, we propose an automatic process for selection of the most useful seen classes for each unseen class to achieve robustness in zero-shot learning. Our method can update the unseen CAPD taking the advantages of few unseen images to work in a few-shot learning scenario. Furthermore, our method can generalize the seen CAPDs by estimating seen-unseen diversity that significantly improves the performance of generalized zero-shot learning. Our extensive evaluations demonstrate that the proposed approach consistently achieves superior performance in zero-shot, generalized zero-shot and few/one-shot learning problems

    Task-generalizable Adversarial Attack based on Perceptual Metric

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) can be easily fooled by adding human imperceptible perturbations to the images. These perturbed images are known as `adversarial examples' and pose a serious threat to security and safety critical systems. A litmus test for the strength of adversarial examples is their transferability across different DNN models in a black box setting (i.e. when the target model's architecture and parameters are not known to attacker). Current attack algorithms that seek to enhance adversarial transferability work on the decision level i.e. generate perturbations that alter the network decisions. This leads to two key limitations: (a) An attack is dependent on the task-specific loss function (e.g. softmax cross-entropy for object recognition) and therefore does not generalize beyond its original task. (b) The adversarial examples are specific to the network architecture and demonstrate poor transferability to other network architectures. We propose a novel approach to create adversarial examples that can broadly fool different networks on multiple tasks. Our approach is based on the following intuition: "Perpetual metrics based on neural network features are highly generalizable and show excellent performance in measuring and stabilizing input distortions. Therefore an ideal attack that creates maximum distortions in the network feature space should realize highly transferable examples". We report extensive experiments to show how adversarial examples generalize across multiple networks for classification, object detection and segmentation tasks

    Zero-shot Learning of 3D Point Cloud Objects

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    Recent deep learning architectures can recognize instances of 3D point cloud objects of previously seen classes quite well. At the same time, current 3D depth camera technology allows generating/segmenting a large amount of 3D point cloud objects from an arbitrary scene, for which there is no previously seen training data. A challenge for a 3D point cloud recognition system is, then, to classify objects from new, unseen, classes. This issue can be resolved by adopting a zero-shot learning (ZSL) approach for 3D data, similar to the 2D image version of the same problem. ZSL attempts to classify unseen objects by comparing semantic information (attribute/word vector) of seen and unseen classes. Here, we adapt several recent 3D point cloud recognition systems to the ZSL setting with some changes to their architectures. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to classify unseen 3D point cloud objects in the ZSL setting. A standard protocol (which includes the choice of datasets and the seen/unseen split) to evaluate such systems is also proposed. Baseline performances are reported using the new protocol on the investigated models. This investigation throws a new challenge to the 3D point cloud recognition community that may instigate numerous future works

    Zero-Shot Object Detection: Learning to Simultaneously Recognize and Localize Novel Concepts

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    Current Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) approaches are restricted to recognition of a single dominant unseen object category in a test image. We hypothesize that this setting is ill-suited for real-world applications where unseen objects appear only as a part of a complex scene, warranting both the `recognition' and `localization' of an unseen category. To address this limitation, we introduce a new \emph{`Zero-Shot Detection'} (ZSD) problem setting, which aims at simultaneously recognizing and locating object instances belonging to novel categories without any training examples. We also propose a new experimental protocol for ZSD based on the highly challenging ILSVRC dataset, adhering to practical issues, e.g., the rarity of unseen objects. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first end-to-end deep network for ZSD that jointly models the interplay between visual and semantic domain information. To overcome the noise in the automatically derived semantic descriptions, we utilize the concept of meta-classes to design an original loss function that achieves synergy between max-margin class separation and semantic space clustering. Furthermore, we present a baseline approach extended from recognition to detection setting. Our extensive experiments show significant performance boost over the baseline on the imperative yet difficult ZSD problem

    Mitigating the Hubness Problem for Zero-Shot Learning of 3D Objects

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    The development of advanced 3D sensors has enabled many objects to be captured in the wild at a large scale, and a 3D object recognition system may therefore encounter many objects for which the system has received no training. Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) approaches can assist such systems in recognizing previously unseen objects. Applying ZSL to 3D point cloud objects is an emerging topic in the area of 3D vision, however, a significant problem that ZSL often suffers from is the so-called hubness problem, which is when a model is biased to predict only a few particular labels for most of the test instances. We observe that this hubness problem is even more severe for 3D recognition than for 2D recognition. One reason for this is that in 2D one can use pre-trained networks trained on large datasets like ImageNet, which produces high-quality features. However, in the 3D case there are no such large-scale, labelled datasets available for pre-training which means that the extracted 3D features are of poorer quality which, in turn, exacerbates the hubness problem. In this paper, we therefore propose a loss to specifically address the hubness problem. Our proposed method is effective for both Zero-Shot and Generalized Zero-Shot Learning, and we perform extensive evaluations on the challenging datasets ModelNet40, ModelNet10, McGill and SHREC2015. A new state-of-the-art result for both zero-shot tasks in the 3D case is established.Comment: BMVC 201

    Transductive Zero-Shot Learning for 3D Point Cloud Classification

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    Zero-shot learning, the task of learning to recognize new classes not seen during training, has received considerable attention in the case of 2D image classification. However despite the increasing ubiquity of 3D sensors, the corresponding 3D point cloud classification problem has not been meaningfully explored and introduces new challenges. This paper extends, for the first time, transductive Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) and Generalized Zero-Shot Learning (GZSL) approaches to the domain of 3D point cloud classification. To this end, a novel triplet loss is developed that takes advantage of unlabeled test data. While designed for the task of 3D point cloud classification, the method is also shown to be applicable to the more common use-case of 2D image classification. An extensive set of experiments is carried out, establishing state-of-the-art for ZSL and GZSL in the 3D point cloud domain, as well as demonstrating the applicability of the approach to the image domain.Comment: WACV 202

    Any-Shot Object Detection

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    Previous work on novel object detection considers zero or few-shot settings where none or few examples of each category are available for training. In real world scenarios, it is less practical to expect that 'all' the novel classes are either unseen or {have} few-examples. Here, we propose a more realistic setting termed 'Any-shot detection', where totally unseen and few-shot categories can simultaneously co-occur during inference. Any-shot detection offers unique challenges compared to conventional novel object detection such as, a high imbalance between unseen, few-shot and seen object classes, susceptibility to forget base-training while learning novel classes and distinguishing novel classes from the background. To address these challenges, we propose a unified any-shot detection model, that can concurrently learn to detect both zero-shot and few-shot object classes. Our core idea is to use class semantics as prototypes for object detection, a formulation that naturally minimizes knowledge forgetting and mitigates the class-imbalance in the label space. Besides, we propose a rebalanced loss function that emphasizes difficult few-shot cases but avoids overfitting on the novel classes to allow detection of totally unseen classes. Without bells and whistles, our framework can also be used solely for Zero-shot detection and Few-shot detection tasks. We report extensive experiments on Pascal VOC and MS-COCO datasets where our approach is shown to provide significant improvements

    RealSmileNet: A Deep End-To-End Network for Spontaneous and Posed Smile Recognition

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    Smiles play a vital role in the understanding of social interactions within different communities, and reveal the physical state of mind of people in both real and deceptive ways. Several methods have been proposed to recognize spontaneous and posed smiles. All follow a feature-engineering based pipeline requiring costly pre-processing steps such as manual annotation of face landmarks, tracking, segmentation of smile phases, and hand-crafted features. The resulting computation is expensive, and strongly dependent on pre-processing steps. We investigate an end-to-end deep learning model to address these problems, the first end-to-end model for spontaneous and posed smile recognition. Our fully automated model is fast and learns the feature extraction processes by training a series of convolution and ConvLSTM layer from scratch. Our experiments on four datasets demonstrate the robustness and generalization of the proposed model by achieving state-of-the-art performances.Comment: Accepted by ACC

    S2FGAN: Semantically Aware Interactive Sketch-to-Face Translation

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    Interactive facial image manipulation attempts to edit single and multiple face attributes using a photo-realistic face and/or semantic mask as input. In the absence of the photo-realistic image (only sketch/mask available), previous methods only retrieve the original face but ignore the potential of aiding model controllability and diversity in the translation process. This paper proposes a sketch-to-image generation framework called S2FGAN, aiming to improve users' ability to interpret and flexibility of face attribute editing from a simple sketch. The proposed framework modifies the constrained latent space semantics trained on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We employ two latent spaces to control the face appearance and adjust the desired attributes of the generated face. Instead of constraining the translation process by using a reference image, the users can command the model to retouch the generated images by involving the semantic information in the generation process. In this way, our method can manipulate single or multiple face attributes by only specifying attributes to be changed. Extensive experimental results on CelebAMask-HQ dataset empirically shows our superior performance and effectiveness on this task. Our method successfully outperforms state-of-the-art methods on attribute manipulation by exploiting greater control of attribute intensity